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Not Your Mama’s Sustainability

April 18th, 2022 by Jackie Baxley

When I say the word “sustainability,” what comes to mind?  Do you think about your recycling habits?  Do you recall the 1970s Keep America Beautiful add with the crying Native American?  Do you dream of having an electric vehicle?  Where you wouldn’t be wrong with any of these lines of thought, the term “sustainability” has evolved beyond just its environmental aspects. 

Today, when you hear the word “sustainability” the term is much more wholistic and integrates three key components:  planet, people and profits. 

Which, brings us to our next term, “ESG.”  Today you really can’t talk about sustainability without mentioning ESG goals and reporting.  ESG is an acronym for Environmental, Social and Governance (aka planet, people and profit).  As there was a rise in socially conscious investors interested in putting their money where their values were, ESG goals and reports gained in importance and recognition.

Companies have set ESG initiatives such as:

  • Environmental (planet):  reduce carbon emissions and set net zero or carbon neutral goals; promote circular economy by considering the life cycle and disposition of its products; reduce reliance on mining, fossil fuels or other environmentally sensitive issues associated with their supply chains.
  • Social (people):  supports diversity, equity and inclusion; ensures companies within its supply chain operate ethically or to a common set of standards; supports its communities through volunteer opportunities, donations or similar; holds a high regard for employee health and safety, including mental well being.
  • Governance (profit):  corporate transparency; embraces diversity on its board; operates in a manner to avoid conflicts of interest; don’t engage in illegal practices.

This week is 52nd Earth Day with the theme being  “Invest in our Planet.”  On this Earth Day, we are asked to preserve and protect our health, our families and our livelihoods by protecting the Planet.  At HRP, we are using this week to launch our sustainability program “HRP Forward.”  HRP celebrates its 40th year this year and HRP Forward blends our commitment to the environment, our community and our company to ensure we are here for many more years to serve you!

Jackie Baxley, PE, EHS Practice Leader at HRP Associates, Inc.