Excellence in Training: For RCRA and DOT, Choose HRP
February 4th, 2019
HRP continues to grow in 2019. One example is our largest ever offering of RCRA and DOT training sessions. Our wide range of locations and sessions is spearheaded by HRP’s senior trainer Tom Dolce, PE and Jim Darrow, PhD, and lead by our EHS Practice Leader, Jackie Baxley, P.E. In advance of our first 2019 session in Tampa, FL, we asked our staff of trainers, “What makes HRP’s training the right choice?”
Tom Dolce: We Know Your State
One of the most important aspects of HRP’s seminars is that they are state specific. We don’t just cover the USEPA regulations but rather, focus the class content on current state RCRA regulations. For example, Massachusetts adds three additional state wastes to the lists of hazardous waste and makes substantial changes to the way recyclable materials are regulated. Connecticut makes many “more stringent” changes to the USEPA hazardous waste rules and regulates five additional waste streams (the CR## wastes). Rhode Island completely rewrote the hazardous waste generator regulations rather than incorporate USEPAs. So you see, waste generators cannot simply use the USEPA regulations and assume they are in compliance. HRP’s courses point out the differences between the USEPA and State requirements and clearly explain which regulations take precedent.
Jim Darrow: Our Training is Tailored and Interactive
One aspect clients have specifically stated they appreciate is that we tailor the training to the client's specific needs and situation wherever possible, rather than just teach generic content. Using specific client examples to illustrate points and elicit discussions provide significant additional value and sparks student interest in the discussions.
Our use of interactive workshops and hands-on exercises throughout the class to make the topics "real" for the attendees are some of the reasons many of our clients keep coming back year after year for training.
Jackie Baxley: We’ve walked a Mile in Your Shoes
Many of HRP’s trainers once worked outside of consulting in industry or other regulated communities. As such, HRP’s trainers bring a first-hand element of understanding the challenges of applying the regulations as well as simply knowing the regulations. Our trainers not only bring their own experiences to the presentation of the training material but also draw upon what we have seen as consultants. Through highlighting best management practices observed as well as applying those lessons learned, the sum of our experiences allows HRP to present complicated subject material in easy to understand examples. As Albert Einstein was quoted, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." We get it because we live it!
Click here to learn more. You can see our full list of RCRA and DOT training sessions in 2019, who should attend, and which topics are covered.
Feel free to contact us directly if you have any additional questions
We look forward to seeing you!
Tom Simmons, Corporate Marketing Administrative Assistant at HRP Associates, Inc.