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HRP Hosts Laurens County Chamber Lunch and Learn

June 10th, 2014

HRP hosted a Lunch and Learn seminar at the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce titled, "Top 10 OSHA and Environmental Compliance Areas of Concern for the Regulated Community."

Tad Goetcheus, PE, vice president of Southeast and Midwest Regional Operations for HRP, presented on the EPA, SCDHEC and OSHA regulations and citations and total penalties among the areas of concern. Trends and focus points were emphasized. The Top 10 OSHA violations discussed at the seminar represent over 50 percent of all violations issued each year, making the topic relevant to all Chamber members in attendance. In addition to the violations, general planning and operational tips to manage and run an EH&S program and change the culture at one’s business were discussed.

For more information on HRP Associates Inc., visit www.hrpassociates.com or call 864-289-0311. To learn more about the Laurens County Chamber of Commerce or to attend the next HRP Lunch and Learn, visit http://www.laurenscounty.org/cc/.

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