Various Locations, Massachusetts
HRP prepared Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans for the twelve (12) facilities in Massachusetts listed below:
- Chicopee
- Dorchester
- Westfield
- Worcester
- Reading
- Pittsfield
- Brockton
- Framingham
- Fall River
- Whitinsville
- Devens
- Rehoboth
The operations performed at these facilities included vehicle maintenance and repair; aircraft maintenance and repair; and support activities. The petroleum products and wastes stored at these facilities included: heating oil, JP8 fuel, lubricating oils, hydraulic oils, brake fluids, gasoline, diesel fuel, gear oil, lube oil, motor oil, parts cleaning solutions, and grease.
Each SPCC Plan, which was certified by a Massachusetts Professional Engineer, included the following information:
- Facility description
- Notification procedures
- Emergency procedures
- Past spill experience
- Potential spill prediction
- Spill abatement equipment and materials
- Site plans showing storage location, potential spill direction, containment systems, and spill abatement equipment