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Unsung Heroes: Brian "Bubba" Beaulieu

May 3rd, 2021

In a company of 120 people spread across the country, there are A LOT of moving parts. Whether it's behind the scenes in the various admin departments, out in the field at project sites, or out of the country on an audit, its impossible to be aware of every single thing happening in any given week.

The problem? HRPers do amazing things each and every week and everyone needs to know about it. The solution? Introducing the Unsung Heroes of HRP.

This blog series is dedicated to showcasing HRP's number one asset, our people! Each post will spotlight an employee and their expertise not only at HRP, but also outside of work in order to give you a better understanding of who we are. Our second unsung hero is the amazing Brian "Bubba" Beaulieu out of HRP headquarters in Farmington, CT!

To learn a little more about Bubba, we sat down and asked him some questions:


Q: How long have you been here?

A: 35 Years. I started part time while a senior in high school.

Q: What do you do at HRP?

A: I am the Drafting Department and Farmington facility go-to-guy as well as the President of the HRP Alumni Association.

Q: What was your first role at HRP and how has that changed?

A: I started out as the second person in the Drafting Department working for Mike Peck. Back then, we were such a small company, we all did a little of everything. I have done everything from drafting originally by hand with ink on mylar to today’s AutoCad drawings and GIS maps. I have bailed wells, sampled lagoons in a boat, sampled stormwater outfalls on the Connecticut river in the dead of night, assisted in the move from New Britain to Plainville and then from Plainville to our current location in Farmington. I have killed hornets on the roof in Plainville. I have plunged too many toilets to count. I have been the top of the call list for the alarm for most of the last 20 plus years. I wore a lot of hats…and now that I’m older, I literally wear a lot of hats.

Q: What excites you about your role at HRP?

A: I have always enjoyed my work. I have been blessed to have a job that I enjoy all these years. I’m spoiled. As I type this in my office, I’m listening to TOOL. It doesn’t get much better than being able to listen to music all day while doing a job you enjoy.

Q: What’s your best HRP memory?

A: In 2007, I was diagnosed with cancer. On April 1st of 2007, Deb Berardi and Mike Peck organized a fundraiser for me and my family. I don’t have a specific headcount but there were dozens and dozens of friends and acquaintances including current and former HRPers, some of which I hadn’t seen in years. There was family that I hadn’t seen in some time too. That event was life changing and I’ll never forget that day.

Q: What’s something most people don’t know about you?

A: Buy me a beer and I’m pretty much an open book.

Q: What three traits define you?

A: Hmmmm…I think I am helpful, loyal and honest.

Q: What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

A: I am still not sure what I want to be when I grow up.

Q: What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

A: I enjoy hiking and earning an incredible view. I also enjoy visiting breweries and trying new brews. 3:12 is a big favorite of mine too.

Q: If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

A: Fat Thor…Hahahaha

Q: If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

A: Set up a trust for my son.

Q: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

A: I would absolutely love to have a beer and talk life with Dave Grohl.


What does Bubba mean to HRP? After our short interview we also reached out to a few of his colleagues and asked their thoughts:

"Brian Beaulieu,  aka “Bubba” started his career with HRP in 1986 right out of school.  This new tool, also known as AutoCAD, was the new up and coming way to prepare drawings and design plans.  Bubba was the new kid in Town.  Each employee of HRP is assigned an employee number when hired,  Bubba’s is employee #16.  HRP has currently employed approximately 530 employees since it’s inception.  That means  approximately 424 employees have come in and gone out of the door since #16.  Bubba continues to be the corner stone of the organization and treats every assignment as if it was his first, this often means working nights and weekends when necessary.  You always know that when you hand a project off to Bubba,  you will get it back on time and completed correctly,  that’s the kind of pride in his craft that Bubba brings to the table every day."

- Principal, Engineering Practice Leader, Thomas Battles, PE

"What a perfect choice for this month’s Unsung Hero!! Having worked with Brian (Bubba) Beaulieu for a mere 35 years, it is impossible to capture everything.  HRP has always felt like family to me, and I absolutely consider Brian my brother and very good friend.  Brian is the heart of HRP.  He has grown up with, and at HRP, both professionally and personally.  I am fortunate to have witnessed his strength and dedication during these years. If there is ever a need for assistance or volunteer, you can always count on Brian to be there, to lend a hand, give his time, or lead the charge!  There is no doubt why they chose him to head up the HRP Alumni Committee.  He has seen and done it all here at HRP!  Congratulations Brian on this well-deserved recognition! Cheers to all you have accomplished and more that is yet to come! 

Principal & Director of Human Resources, Deborah Berardi

"This is an easy one. Ahh Bubba…Bubba is always positive and outgoing with a can do attitude. He’s a total team player, always looking out for and doing his best for each co-worker and Team HRP. Bubba is a true friend, he is our mascot, our Morale Leader."

Field Services Manager, Chris Labbe


"Bubba is HRP.  Full stop."

- Chief Executive Officer, Dan Titus