Featured Topic

PFAS Fund Purchases Farm


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Empower yourself with valuable insights and resources below to deepen your understanding of PFAS and their impacts on business, the environment, and the legislative landscape. Take the necessary steps towards creating a safer and healthier environment for everyone.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals that have gained significant attention due to their widespread presence in the environment. PFAS are utilized in various manufacturing industries and consumer products, such as non-stick cookware. However, the prevalence of PFAS has caused excess amounts of these chemicals to enter our water sources, soil, and air, leading to environmental and human health concerns.

At HRP, we aim to keep you informed on everything regarding this evolving topic, ranging from new PFAS legislation to recent research. Whether you are a concerned citizen, regulatory professional, or business owner, you can find the knowledge and insights needed to understand the shifting regulatory landscape regarding PFAS.


Podcast Episode

9 New PFAS Chemicals Added to TRI Reporting


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