HRP employs cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to conduct thorough site investigations.
- Brownfields Support and Services
- Environmental Construction Management
- Environmental Liability Management and Litigation Support
- LEP, LSP and REC Services
- PFAS Characterization
- PFAS Remediation
- MGP Characterization
- MGP Remediation
- Forensics (PFAS, PCBs, MGP)
- Property and Business Transaction Support
- Remediation of Contaminated Media
- Site Characterization and Investigation
- Soil Vapor Investigations and Mitigation
- Underground Storage Tank Management

HRP offers comprehensive environmental engineering services to both private and public sectors, addressing permitting needs and ensuring compliance with wastewater discharge regulations.
- Civil Engineering/Site Design/Permitting
- Construction Bid Packages/Technical Specifications
- Construction Cost Estimating
- Construction Engineering and Inspection
- Construction Loan Support/ Draw Review
- Dam Inspections/Emergency Action Plans
- Environmental Remediation Design
- Expert Testimony
- HighwayRoadway Design
- Hydrology & Hydraulic Analysis of Watercourses
- IW and P&Z Permitting
- Landfill Engineering & Closure Planning
- Municipal MS4
- Septic System Design
- Spill Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC)
- State and Federal Environmental Permitting
- Storm/Sanitary Sewer Design
- Stormwater Inspections
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Structural analysis/design
- Structural Conditions Assessments
- Utilities Design
- Utility Permitting

Environmental Compliance
HRP offers comprehensive compliance services covering various environmental regulations and standards.
- Air Permitting & Compliance
- Chemical Inventory Reporting (Including EPCRA Reports)
- Hazardous Materials Compliance
- Industrial Storm Water Permitting and Plans
- Regulated Waste Management and Reporting
- Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Design and Planning
- Tank Permitting and Compliance
- Wastewater Permitting & Compliance
- Risk Management Program
- On-site compliance management/staffing
- Training
- Compliance Audits

Health & Safety Compliance
HRP provides comprehensive compliance services covering a wide range of topics to ensure regulatory adherence and workplace safety.- Bloodborne Pathogens Programs
- Confined Space Assessments and programs
- Emergency Action/Prevention Plans
- Hazard Communication Programs
- Industrial Hygiene Assessments
- Job Hazard Assessments & Control Development
- Lock Out Tag Out Programs and Assessments
- Machine Guarding Assessments
- Noise Assessments
- PPE Assessments and Associated Programs
- Written Program Development
- Process Safety Management (PSM)
- On-site compliance management/staffing
- Training
- Compliance Audits

HRP's engineering consultants are adept at conducting comprehensive hazardous material surveys across various facilities, swiftly and efficiently.
- Asbestos Consulting and Oversight
- Asbestos, Lead paint, Radon
- Building Contaminants Survey and Abatement
- General Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) concerns
- HazMat Surveys & Abatement
- Inventories of PCBs, Mercury, Freon, and other regulated building hazardous materials
- Moisture/Mold/Microbial contaminants
- PCBs in building materials (i.e. caulks/glazings/paint)
- Residual waste product inventories

Audits & Sustainability
Compliance audits are essential for evaluating adherence to regulations, while sustainability assessments focus on environmental, social, and governance practices.
- Energy/Water/Waste Audits
- Green Remediation Assessments
- Greenhouse Gas Quantification
- ISO Management Systems Development & Auditing
- Regulatory Applicability Reviews
- Solar Installation Support
- Waste Minimization Plans
- On-site compliance management/staffing
- Training
- Compliance Audits