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HRP Online Learning Turns Six Months Old!

July 2nd, 2018 by Jackie Baxley

HRP launched its online learning platform six months ago. If this platform was a baby, we would be celebrating her key milestones like sitting unassisted, growing at 1lb a month, responding to sounds, and smiling.  However, we’re celebrating milestones all our own, including:

We are excited to continue to foster and develop its continued growth and development:

  • 132 total enrolled students
  • 208 courses completed
  • 3 new courses added since original launch
  • 1 client specific learning management site launched

Sitting unassisted – as with anything new, we have to get the word out.  We have been using social media, client calls and visits, conferences, smoke signals, just about anything we can do to heighten awareness of this system. We look forward to the day when the system will sit unassisted, people will know about it, use it, love it and learn from it.  But for now, we are keeping a reassuring hand on its back and making sure folks know about our system (by the way, check it out!  www.hrponlinelearining.com)

Growing at 1 lb a month – We may not be adding pounds, but we are adding courses! Our original goal was to add one new course a month… we’ve done well, adding one new course every two months.  Like you, we get busy, so our course rate is not where we originally wanted it but it is growing and thriving!  (By the way, look out for our new course on SPCC Plans that will launch in a matter of days!)

Responding to sounds – feedback is important for the growth of any system, our online learning platform being no different.  We love to hear from you: what you like about the platform, what you would like to see different, what courses you would like to see.  Each course has contact information so you can always reach out! 

Smiling – We are smiling because of the successful launch of this platform, but more importantly, our valued clients are smiling. On demand training, easy access, flexible payment plans, easy to understand content, it’s enough to make anyone smile especially HRP, the proud parents of a 6 month old online training platform!


 Jackie Baxley, PE Corporate Director of EH&S at HRP Associates, Inc.